Hey Wookiee Fans,
Who likes beer? Whoa, don’t everyone scream at once… it hurts my ears.
One of the other things that I wanted to do with this outlet was to offer reviews of restaurants, grocers, products, and tools.
I found this awesome product while I was grocery shopping the other day. Of course this means I’m going to share it with all of you.

Coney Island Brewing Co. is based in Brooklyn, NY. Their Hard Root Beer is brewed and bottled in collaboration with Boston Brewing Company, who brings us the wonder family of Sam Adam’s Lagers and Angry Orchard Ciders.
With an Alcohol by Volume (ABV) of 5.8%, it is a bit higher than most domestic American beers (running 4.5%-5%) but below most craft brews coming in around 6.7% or higher. It is in the range of most popular craft brews (New Belgium Fat Tire: 5.2%; Blue Moon: 5.4%; and Sierra Nevada Porter: 5.7%)
Upon first popping the top of the bottle, you’re greeted with an old fashion admission ticket to “ADMIT ONE”. I can only presume that this admittance is to the goodness that lies within the bottle.

The first thing that hits you when you lift the bottle is a liqoury aroma that reminds me of licorice or Anise. I poured the into a pint glass to get full enjoyment. Coney Island had the pleasant, rich, dark color that you would expect from a root beer. It immediately foamed up and then settled, while maintaining a nice head of foam. “I am really looking forward to this,” I thought to myself.

With the first swig you get a pleasant root beer flavor with a licorice kick on the back of your tongue. by the third swig, the licorice becomes less kick and more “presence”. It’s just kind of there, and very good at it. The whole time you’re left wondering where the alcohol is. My wife, who loves a good cocktail but can’t stand the taste of alcohol, really enjoyed Coney Island. She made it very clear that it would “Knock you on your ass if you’re not careful.”
The label lists Coney Island Hard Root Beer as “A new twist on an old favorite. With hints of vanilla, licorice, and birch.” As a major fan of Birch Beer, I liked this. However, I really couldn’t taste or sense any vanilla or birch in the Coney Island.
The other aspect that really says Root Beer to me is the creaminess. The creaminess is evident in Coney Island, but it is very subdued.
Beyond a doubt, this is definitely a root beer with a subtle alcoholic undertone. Don’t fool yourself though, if you are expecting a creamy vanilla blast of awesome… you’re not going to find it here. The sharp sassafras flavor with a hint of anise and licorice, while missing the heavy alcohol essence will make you a very happy person indeed though.
Out of five stars, I give it a 4.5. That half a point comes mainly from two of my favorite flavors being overrun by one of my least favorite. Overall, extremely worth a try.
Until next time, Drink a Coney Island Hard Root Beer with your game of Dejarik and….. May the Food Be With You.